
New Functionality in Workpro – User Management & Bulk Assignment

New Functionality in Workpro – User Management & Bulk Assignment

The development team at Workpro are constantly striving to improve the latest version of Workpro with input from our customers.  

Several productivity enhancements have been implemented in the latest version of Workpro including user management improvements and the ability to complete bulk actions.  




User Management Improvements 

Get this functionality by upgrading to Workpro version 5.38. 

The latest version of Workpro features a hugely improved user interface, making user management simpler and more efficient. It now takes only seconds to set up new users and manage roles! 

This update should allow system administrators increased control over their Workpro user management, without needing to rely on support from the Workpro team when they would like to make changes. 


Improved functionality includes: 

1. Assigning Workpro User Roles 

Previously, you had to go in and out of each role type individually to assign user roles Now there is a clear list of users on one screen where you can: 

  • Select multiple roles at once by simply ticking to select (or de-select)  
  • Ensure appropriate selections are made using clearly displayed role descriptions.  
  • View roles assigned to a user (and what they are not assigned to)  
  • Use easier and more granular filtering e.g., by type of user. 


2. Create new user 

The process to create a new user has been simplified, including: 

  • A new form to create a new user which significantly reduces time on manual input. 
  • The ability to see how many licences are available by licence type (see ‘View Workpro Licence’ in Admin area).  
  • The option to assign a user profile, e.g. their info that will appear in document templates. 
  • The ability to select multiple roles at the same time (previously this had to be done one by one). 


3. New user notifications 

Users are notified by email that their account has been created: 

  • This email (and other user management notifications) can now be tailored in template management.  


4. Deleting users 

System administrators can:  

  • Delete users from the list in the Admin area. 
  • View and restore deleted users. (This previously required intervention from the Workpro support team) 

*roles will need to be reassigned to a restored user. 


Bulk Action Functionality 

Bulk Case Owner Assignment 

Get this functionality by upgrading to Workpro version 5.27 or higher.  

We have recently added the ability to assign multiple cases to another case owner. This is to be used when, for example, someone is going on holiday, and you want to assign their cases to someone else. Previously you had to do this one by one: 

  • Now you can select multiple cases, then select the case owner you want to assign them to - one click, and it will make the change. 


Bulk Task Actions 

Get this functionality by upgrading to Workpro version 5.25 or higher.  

Previously you could only mark tasks as read from the task grid. Now you can bulk: 

  • Delete 
  • Assign Task Owner, and 
  • Mark as Complete.   


Bulk Core Record Actions 

Get this functionality by upgrading to Workpro version 5.37 or higher. There may be a small charge for Bulk Core Admin Record replacement – we would talk through your requirement and estimate the work required to set this up. 

Finally, we have added the ability to bulk assign multiple core records.  

For example, our Ombudsman customers use this functionality to reassign cases for the bodies under their jurisdiction, such as when a body has merged and they need to transfer all their cases to the new organisation.  

In other scenarios this could be line managers; for example, a team manager leaves and a new manager joins, so you need to re-assign all the old manager’s cases to the new one. 


If you would like to learn more about Workpro Case Management Software then please Contact Us and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.